Countries, nationalities and working names popular in escorting in 2023-2024


2024/09/12(木)14:00 ~ 18:00


Regardless of whether the intimate industry is legal in the country or the government is trying to fight it, prostitutes freely provide sex services to everyone. Even in times when the oldest profession was banned, call girls continued to serve customers from the underground, creating secret societies and closed clubs. But in recent years, more and more popular is gaining thoughtful legalization of putanas at the state level - this approach allows to normalize the work of the ero-segment, ensuring the safety of both girls and customers, as well as to attract multimillion dollar profits to the treasury.

The practice of highly developed countries shows that the commercial sex market, if properly controlled, brings profits at the same level as the automobile industry. However, not all ordinary people know the specifics of this profession, so they may be biased towards it. To correct this unfortunate situation, our editorial staff has studied the global intimate industry in more detail and is ready to share a few interesting facts. For example, analysts determined which countries were the best for sex tourism in 2023-2024, as well as which nationalities and escort names were the most popular in the world.

Which countries did sex tourists like the most?

To determine the top destinations for adult leisure, our correspondents worked in several directions at once. They studied the statistics of travel agencies, the spread of prostitution at local levels, as well as feedback from satisfied travelers - this helped them choose the countries that became the most popular in 2023-2024.

Turkey is the choice of millions, as local beaches and resort centers have long been known around the world as comfortable and inexpensive. But after the legalization of prostitution, the flow of tourists to Turkey has increased several times due to young guys and girls coming in search of an unobtrusive resort romance. Local sex services are inexpensive - some individuals are ready to entertain foreigners even for a dinner in a restaurant and a few expensive gifts. In addition, this destination is considered one of the best for female sex tourism - Turkish macho men surround travelers with attention and care at minimal cost.

On the second position of the top of popularity is Mexico - the country of colorful entertainment and cheap putanas. Statistics show that over the past few years, the Latin American region has broken into the top of the most popular countries for adult leisure, overtaking popular European resorts: Holland, Germany and Austria. Mexican call girls have two undeniable advantages at once - characteristic beauty and budget cost. And if you add to this the possibility of remote renting through dating sites, it becomes clear why prostitutes in Mexico City, Tijuana and Cancun are in such demand even among inexperienced sex tourists.

Another representative of Latin America in our top is Brazil. The carnival country is recognized as one of the most popular intimate destinations for an unforgettable vacation, as here unique night entertainment is perfectly combined with attractive individuals. And although the intimate industry itself is still at the initial stage of legalization, local beauties are very happy to meet tourists, brightening their evenings and nights with their presence.

The countries of the Arab region - Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia - unexpectedly took a special place in our top. Prostitution, in its traditional sense, is practically absent in these countries, as local wealthy men and visiting businessmen are not interested in inexpensive sex adventures. However, the destination is rich in elite escorts - attractive and well-groomed beauties from popular agencies will gladly keep a rich customer company at a social event. And then, at the request of the client, such a social outing can develop into a very personal acquaintance behind the closed doors of a hotel room.

Nationalities seen in prostitution

Many people are sure that if there is a rating of countries popular for sex tourism, then this gives us a list of nationalities involved in the ero-segment most of all. But in practice, these are completely different concepts, because in the first case, countries develop their own commercial sex industry, and in the second - girls go to work abroad. And if for the first top it was necessary to study the statistics of popular destinations for travelers, then to select the top nationalities it is necessary to work directly with prostitutes and prostitutes around the world.

A vivid example of a sought-after escort nationality is Russian women. In the country itself, the intimate profession is prohibited and censured by society, but it is Russian prostitutes who are more common in foreign brothels. This is due to the very low standard of living in Russia, because of which local beauties go abroad in search of easy earnings. And as it turned out, in escort and prostitution these girls were able to realize themselves best of all - they are inventive and diligent in sex, and earnings of prostitutes are quite able to cover their basic needs and even allow something to save for the future.

The second most popular nationality was French women - almost every European brothel is considered prestigious to have 1-2 French putanas in its staff. These professionals are skillful and refined, but they do not manage to be realized at the local level, as escorts are not particularly in demand in France. More often couples come to the country to rest, so tourists are not very interested in available sex services, but in neighboring countries these individuals are considered very popular.

The third position in the ranking of nationalities was taken by Ukraine. The country has its own intimate industry at a high level of development, although it has not yet received legal status. And at the same time, local individuals are happy to go to earn money in brothels in other countries - attractive Slavic women with a wide list of sex skills are incredibly popular in all the brothels of the world. However, Ukrainians are most in demand in the intimate environment of the Arab and Asian region, where their appearance is recognized as a rare highlight. And if we take into account the possibility of online rent through specialized sites, it becomes clear why prostitutes in Kiev, Lviv and other cities are considered to be among the most popular abroad.

If you compare the first ten participants of both tops, only Mexico has become both popular in its own intimate industry and for overseas work. Mexican puttanas were able to realize themselves in their native country, where thousands of tourists come to them every year. But no less often Mexican professionals are found in intimate salons in other countries, where they are incredibly appreciated for their diligence and hot temperament.

Top names for prostitution

As our research shows, more than 90 percent of call girls prefer to work under assumed names - in this way individuals manage to separate their working hours and personal life both on a physical and psychological level. After all, very often family and friends of prostitutes are not privy to her line of work, and working alias allows girls to keep the family in the dark and further. In turn, some individuals who plan to earn a loud reputation in the intimate environment, choose the brightest and most memorable name, which in time can be turned into a unique brand.

According to our research, the top names that individual women choose in 2023-2024 are Jessica, Anna, Maria, Diana and Alice. These are simple and common options that allow girls to easily get into the sex profession, stay there for the necessary time, and also discreetly leave, getting lost among thousands of prostitutes with the same pseudonym. As in ordinary life, in their working life, prostitutes choose escort names with which they can feel as comfortable and safe as possible.

Among professional escorts it is customary to choose aliases brighter, so that the customer could easily remember the girl and if necessary to find her again. Therefore, here in honor refined and memorable professional names - Charlotte, Doriz, Gabrielle, Camille. For example, among the VIPs of one agency you will rarely meet female employees with the same pseudonyms, because each girl tries to be unique and unrepeatable for customers.