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An Easy Guide to Writing Reflective Essays-2022


A reflective essay in academics gives the writer an opportunity to introspect about their life experiences and choices. It allows them the opportunity to reflect upon particular instances in their life while also making them realized how they have changed as a person. This essay is not an they may end up requesting other essay writers, relatives, or friends: “help me write my essay ,” which is alright as long as it helps them realize their growth in character and overall learning.



Many pupils who are reserved tend not to be candid in their reflections but do reflect upon their experiences in their own way. Those who are expressive, tend to find the essay challenging too, in that they are forced to delve into the dynamics of the emotional impacts of their experiences. 


The reflective essay can help you reflect on your academic life or your professional one see some example of reflective essay online in an essay writing service . Whether its a project that you have worked on or a challenge that you have come across, you are expected to tell your reader what you learned from the experience and how it has made you changed your approach regarding it. It may also target the things you have learned through reading and learning about different outlooks into life, provided by scholars, philosophers, and thinkers.


Students are encouraged to write reflective essays, as mostly, it's not the experience that changes a person for the good, but the act of reflecting upon it.

Aim of the Reflective Essay

Reflective writing is not a session of psychological therapy as an essay writer are not supposed to put down your feelings and experiences for the listener to make sense of. Just like other academic essays, you will have to adhere to a well-constructed line of thought backed by evidence and examples upon whom you will reflect and analyze. 


The reflective essay strikes a balance between academic formality and creative thinking. In a reflective essay you:


  • Construct to communicate your thoughts and experiences following a logical pattern.
  • Show the reader your knowledge upon the subject and its reflection upon you.
  • Show in reference to before and after the experience, how it changed you.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge about a work of literature or a text, and show through your experience what it made you see or realize.
  • Scrutinize an experience, demonstrate what you have learned, its implications, and how you could have done better in the situation.

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

A reflective Learning Cycle formed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 is still a powerful tool to deal with reflective analysis. 



You start by describing the event or the experience you had, keeping yourself at the center.


What was your emotional state during that time. What was going through your mind and how did the event make you feel?

Evaluation Evaluation

The event would have caused either a good outcome, a bad one, or a mix of the two. Here you will evaluate the experience according to its outcome and its emotional impact upon you. You also might state the good and bad about the experience as well. 


How did you digest the situation and process it during the experience or after it? 

Conclusion Conclusion

In retrospect, you will next discuss what you could have done differently and what your actions would have led to.

Action Plan

You will assess how you will react or manage the situation if it occurred again. Here you will demonstrate what you have learned from the experience. 


The cycle will roll on with subsequent events and experiences especially those related to or shooting from the mentioned experience.