

2021/10/20(水)15:40 ~ 2021/10/21(木) 15:52


ResearchPaper Sample


Studentsare all different, so, everyone chooses the easiest for him/her way to study.For some students preparing academic papers is easier by analogy. Some of themprefer doing everything themselves, from scratch. If you are assigned to writea research paper, and you desperately need to see how a research paper shouldlook like, a research paper sample is what you can benefit from. However,before using research paper samples, you need to know how to do it correctly.So, the information from presented below will teach you towork with a research paper sample and produce a good research paper of yourown.

1.           Find a research paper sample coveringthe topic that is close to yours. Make sure the style it is written in is theone you have to use in your paper. Otherwise, you can make a mistake and getconfused;

2.           Read the research paper sample found.Probably, it includes any ideas that might be useful for covering your topic.Quotations, interview results, statistical data, etc. – all this can serve youas good evidences to support your hypotheses. Remember, copying out is strictlyforbidden and will be considered as plagiarism. If you want to use anyquotations from any research paper sample, write down the source this quotationis taken from;

3.           Skip through the structure of theresearch paper samples. What information is presented in each of the parts? Youwill have to create a similar structure for your own paper;

4.           Look how the research paper sample isformatted. How did its author format the references from the internet sources?Where did he/she place the page numbers? What should margins be like?

If theinformation presented is not enough for you to create your own research paper,read the information about a student research paper and a research proposalsample on the "statistics help" website.

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