1. 日本語のみを使う。
2. お得な参加費用:500円。お菓子は用意します。飲み物は持参して下さい。
4. 無駄に名前を聞く、覚える必要がないようにネームステッカーなどを提供。
5. 来られた際、名前以外で不要な個人情報を要求しない。
6. 交流会が終わった後、2次会に行きたい方の為のグループを作ってあげる。
7. 開催前日に参加予定者の人数を提供。これを確認した後最後に参加するかキャンセルするか決めて頂いても結構です。(前日予約でも事前に情報を提供)
Let's enjoy talking in only Japanese!
This place is Japanese style room and you can get relaxed^^
It is OK that you can't speak Japanese well and join by yourself♪
(Actually there are many people who join by one person)
But please speak only Japanese all time even if you are from same countries.
I hope Japanese people who can't speak English enjoy talking with foreigner.
This international event is different from other events, because
1. Only Japanese language.
2. Reasonable fee: 500 yen (including snacks. Bring drinks if you want without alcohol)
3. I arrange seats a few time so that you can talk with many people.
4. I lend name stickers so you don't need to ask and memorize name
5. I don't ask unnecessary information without name.
6. I arrange groups for second party.
7. The day before, I announce information how many people join this event. It is OK that you cancel after the information
共有用URL https://everevo.com/event/46517